Serving bowls are small to large bowls in different colors and shapes, suitable for serving larger quantities. Serving bowls are suitable for the buffet but also for the dinner table. Because in them sauces, vegetables, salads or tapas find place. Also stylishly arranged desserts or decorative items can be perfectly presented in serving bowls.
A serving bowl is usually larger than classic bowls for main dishes and side dishes. It is especially suitable for serving larger quantity. For example, a serving bowl can serve perfectly on the buffet or simply be placed in the middle of the table for traditional dishes. Serving bowls also offer a variety of uses in modern sharing concepts.
Do you often set up buffets or serve food for sharing or snacking? Then serving bowls are an absolute must-have for you. Whether they're made of glass, wood, ceramic or porcelain - in our extensive assortment, we present serving bowls that are guaranteed to match your gastro styling.
Serving bowls come in smaller and larger sizes to suit your individual purpose. Whether round, square or oval - serving bowls should match your tableware sets or deliberately set contrasts. Modern, traditional, classic or rustic - the variety of serving bowls is as large as your creativity allows.
You want to serve salads? Then dare to present them in colored serving bowls. Your ambience is rather noble and elegant? Then perhaps monochrome designs, glass bowls or delicate porcelain bowls with or without gold rims fit into your table concept. If serving bowls are also to be used for decorative purposes. Your interior style then sets the tone. Only your taste decides!
Planning help & sales: Do you need support with the implementation of your plans? Then you are exactly right here! Our planning experts will help you without obligation by phone or email.
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370