Table decoration for restaurants

Whether candles, lanterns, vases or cruets: table decoration is an essential part of the table culture in the gastronomy. The variety of different table decoration articles at United Tables is large and offers an offer for every trend and every table concept. United Tables combines suitability for everyday use and exclusivity as a requirement of the gastronomy.

Latest restaurant Table decoration of the brands Zwiesel Glas and Fortessa

SIGNUM Votive crystal clear - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Storm Lamp | Size 100 | crystal, clear
90.00 / box
SIGNUM Votive smoky green - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Storm Lamp | Size 100 | smoky green, green
102.00 / box
SIGNUM Votive smoky brown - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Storm Lamp | Size 100 | smoky brown
102.00 / box
ACCESSORIES 3-Cup Relish Caddy from Fortessa Other ACCESSORIES 3-Cup Relish Caddy from Fortessa Other
Table Accessories
75.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase crystal clear - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 190 | crystal, clear
132.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase smoky green - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 190 | smoky green, green
150.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase smoky brown - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 190 | smoky brown
150.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase cristal clear from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 410 | crystal, clear
192.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase smoky green from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 410 | smoky green, green
210.00 / box
SIGNUM Vase smoky brown  from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 410 | smoky brown
210.00 / box
DIAMONDS Vase / Lantern  smoky - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 220 | smoky brown
57.00 / box
SHADOW Vase small lagune - handmade from Zwiesel Glas SHADOW Vase small lagune - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 140 | lagune
47.40 / box
SHADOW Vase middle lagune  - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 200 | lagune
65.40 / box
SHADOW Vase large lagune - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 290 | lagune
77.40 / box
SHADOW Vase small powder  - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 140 | powder
47.40 / box
SHADOW Vase middle powder - handmade from Zwiesel Glas
Glassware | Vase | Size 200 | powder
65.40 / box

Table decoration

Even if it is not used for dining or enjoying drinks: High-quality table decoration gives a hotel or restaurant the appropriate setting and conveys a sense of well-being to the guest. Thus, the table decoration contributes enormously to the overall experience. The design of the decoration can be adapted to the occasion and the existing catering equipment, so that a harmonious picture is created when dining.

Table decoration for all occasions and dishes

For their own individual identity and a coherent overall image, it is important for the catering industry to give different occasions a uniform and high-quality appearance. United Tables does not only offer table decoration articles for the gastronomy: As a brand-leading and global company, it is our job to help shape and generate trends and concepts. Our selection of decorations for the hospitality industry and our range of combinations will help you make the best possible choice.

Table decoration concepts

Seasonally appropriate, coordinated with the color concept of a gastronomic establishment or aligned with a specific motto: table decoration can be used in a variety of ways and used to enhance gastronomic equipment and table concepts. We will help you to make an optimal purchase decision for new gastronomic decoration, because our experienced trend scouts and specialists have developed various scenarios for you to help you in the inspiration phase of buying gastronomic table decoration. Discover our modern table concepts with diverse decoration items for gastronomy.

Related categories matching "Table decoration"

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Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.


Schott Zwiesel

Produkt Maße

Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.


Schott Zwiesel

Hallo, Max Mustermann

HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München

Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370

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