Bread baskets come in a wide variety of designs and materials. Made of rattan, fabric, wood, plastic or metal - the practical containers are used for stylish presentation and serving of bread and rolls in the catering industry.
Bread baskets do not only come in the form of baskets. Bread bags or bread bags made of fabric or fancy bread baskets made of metal are also used in the catering industry. Porcelain bowls are also frequently used as bread baskets. The stylish serving of bread correlates with the fresh and natural impression of the bread itself and fits almost every table culture.
Is your table culture rather modern and simple? Then metal or wooden bread baskets might suit you. Do you cultivate the country house style in your restaurant? Then rattan bread baskets will certainly fit your concept. No matter which style is predominant in your gastronomic business: the selection of bread baskets is extensive.
Stainless steel and metal bread baskets are not only particularly beautiful to look at, but also easy to clean. They are easy to clean. You can also use them in fancy colors like gold or black in your restaurant. Fabric bread baskets or wooden bread baskets impress with their naturalness, but also require more care.
Do you want to offer different types of bread or do you serve bread and rolls directly at the table? Bread baskets come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials for different purposes, for example, if you offer bread at the table or at a catering or buffet.
Planning help & sales: Do you need support with the implementation of your plans? Then you are exactly right here! Our planning experts will help you without obligation by phone or email.
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370