Expansive flat serving platters are used to present the fine fish and rice specialties. Most of the time, sushi platters focus on simple elegance and functional beauty. Whether they are decorated with Asian patterns or in a single color, susi platters leave the stage to the food and tend to keep a low profile.
Japanese serving platters impress with natural and clear elegance and offer with their flat wide design a lot of surface for the presentation of the food. The advantage: other dishes can also be visually accentuated on the high-quality plates - whether roasts, snacks or finger food.
Do you want to bring Asian flair into your restaurant? Then perhaps wooden sushi plates or Japanese patterned ceramics will fit into your table concept. Do you also want to use the plates for other purposes? Then simple elegnate plates made of fine porcelain or rustic serving platters made of ceramic might meet your taste. Our diverse assortment offers the right choice for every table culture.
Mostly, sushi plates are rectangular and elongated to provide enough space for the small Asian delicacies. But also organic shaped or square sideboards are real alternatives. Complemented by small dip bowls in matching decor, your sushi plates become the star on the set table.
Whether Japanese, minimalist or practical, sturdy ceramic or porcelain sushi plates - there are no limits to your wishes. Porcelain and ceramic sushi plates are easy to clean and dishwasher safe. If you want a special flair on the table, then stone or wood could be the right material for you.
Planning help & sales: Do you need support with the implementation of your plans? Then you are exactly right here! Our planning experts will help you without obligation by phone or email.
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370