Chef's plate: if you're looking for modern, high-quality chef's plates to showcase your creations, our MEADOW flat coupe dove blue 31 cm chef's plate is the perfect choice. Modern colors, a special feel and unusual design combined in one plate: a collection created solely for the purpose of showcasing the masterpiece.
At 31 cm in size, the Chefs Plate MEADOW flat coupe dove blue plate offers you enough space to showcase your dishes. The modern light blue color brings lightness to the table and flatters the colors of your dishes. The glossy look of the floral pattern on our MEADOW flat coupe dove blue chef's plate stands out from the otherwise matt plate and provides an exciting setting for your dishes.
Fortessa Dinnerware
dishwasher safe: Yes
microwaveable: Yes
freezer safe: Yes
oven-proof: Yes
suitable for baking: Yes
Made in EU: Yes
Item weight: 1165g ( 41.09oz )
19mm ( 0.75" )
310mm ( 12.2" )
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370