United Tables is an online sales portal that offers just such tableware. We know that beauty is not everything, yet we have carefully selected our range to ensure that it is both functional and modern. Because we believe that the two can go hand in hand.
Our range includes a wide range of tableware types, including plates, bowls, cups and saucers, mugs and serving platters. Each and every product has been designed with the requirements of the hospitality industry in mind to ensure that it meets the needs of our customers.
But United Tables offers more than just a wide selection of tableware. We have a nationwide network of dealers who distribute our products, and our team of sales representatives is always available to offer advice. Our goal is not only to provide our customers with high quality tableware, but also to offer a comprehensive customer experience.
We believe that a beautiful table concept is just as important as the food itself. That's why United Tables combines modern gastronomy with matching table concepts and a trend-conscious assortment. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with a unique and memorable experience that will keep them coming back for more.
Overall, United Tables offers the perfect combination of functionality and design. We strive to provide our customers with the best tableware that meets the needs of the hospitality industry while being extremely modern and design conscious. Contact us today and let us convince you of our assortment and customer service!
Planning help & sales: Do you need support with the implementation of your plans? Then you are exactly right here! Our planning experts will help you without obligation by phone or email.
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370