Originally, the use of butter knifves originated in 16th century France, where they were already used for portioning and spreading butter in aristocratic circles. The special feature of a butter knife: the unsharpened, blunt and rounded blade of the knife is particularly suitable for spreading soft foods.
Contrary to its name, the butter knife is versatile. It is not only used for spreading butter and margarine, but can also be used for portioning other spreadable foods such as cream cheese, pâtés, crémes or even soft cheeses. Butter knifes are available in different sizes and made of different materials.
Do you like it elegant and classy? Then butter knifes made of polished stainless steel might suit your tableware. Is your gastronomic establishment rather modern in design? Then a black butter knife might suit you. For vintage or country house lovers, butter knifes made of olive wood, with wooden handles or even completely made of wood are suitable, even if they are only conditionally suitable for gastronomy. In our assortment you are guaranteed to find the right butter knifes for your cutlery set.
The blades of butter knifes are usually unsharpened. In design, they either match the other cutlery pieces and deliberately create a contrast.
Butter knifes are usually rather small and delicate. Their handle should nevertheless be sturdy in order to be able to portion firmer foods as needed. Easy care of the cutlery is also important in the catering trade. Butter knifes should therefore be dishwasher-safe and as robust as possible.
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Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
Der Menüteller in der eleganten Farbe Premium Black überzeugt mit einer rauen Struktur. Er eignet sich hervorragend zum Servieren von leckeren Hauptgerichten. Der Menüteller harmoniert bestens mit seinem beigen Pendant. Der Teller hat einen Durchmesser von 26 cm und wird in einem praktischer 2er-Set und einer hochwertigen Geschenkbox geliefert.
Schott Zwiesel
HANS IM GLÜCK Franchise GmbH
Karlstr. 10
D-80333 München
Kunden-Nr.: 6275980247035511370